Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Water~Stone deadline and next GLS Alumni Writers' Group meeting

Water~Stone postmark deadline is Thursday, December 1.  Now that we're not students anymore, we can submit.  Yay!


Monday, December 5, 2011
7-10 pm
The Sarah Hayes Residence

Please join us as we kick off the Hamline GLS Alumni Writers’ Group!

This multi-genre writers’ group meets the first Monday of every month at 7:00 pm, giving participants a chance to start the month off focused on writing.

The goals for this group are to build community, have fun, and support fellow writers as we strive to keep writing an active part of our busy lives. You are invited to bring pieces to share and/or workshop as well as any concepts or ideas you’d like to explore or get feedback on.

Come to one meeting, come regularly… It’s up to you.  For more information, including directions, and/or to get on the Writers’ Group mailing list, email Sarah at sarah@innerrealms.net.  You can also join the group on Facebook and get reminders sent.

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