Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cracked Walnuts on a Rampage

Readings from Hamline alumni and others all over the Twin Cities are still  happening.  Hope you got a chance to see us On Ice or elsewhere.  Check the Cracked Walnuts Facebook page for the most updated information and additional details.  Here are a couple upcoming readings. 

Writers Honoring the Dead

Friday, August 12 · 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Join us to hear a range of literature from poetry to prose from writers who are addressing concepts of death in this very unique location.

Karen Youso hosts.  Featured readers will include Jim Rogers, Donna Isaac,  Karen Youso, Victoria Peterson-Hilleque and Didi Koka.

Doors open at 6:30; reading starts at 7 and ends at 8:30. (The chapel closes at 9 sharp.)

For more information on the Cracked Walnut Reading series click on the link at satishjayaraj.tumblr.com.

Chapel Information:
(612) 781-1999

Midtown Global Market
Monday, August 22 · 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Midtown Global Market
920 East Lake Street
Join us for an international bazaar of literary readings from local Twin City writers.

The reading starts at 6:00 and ends at 7:30, but feel free to come early to mingle and explore the wonders of the Global Market.

Satish Jayaraj will be hosting.  Featured writers will be Alison Morse, Kevin Z Yang, Saymoukda Vongsay, Shannon Gibney, Satish Jayaraj, and Christian Villarroel.

For more information on the Global Market visit http://www.midtownglobalma​rket.org/ or call (612) 872-4041

For some more details on this reading series, check out the comments from this post.

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