Sunday, April 24, 2011

MALS forum this Saturday! (April 30th)

MALS Spring Forum
Saturday, April 30 
1:00 pm
East Hall, Room 106 (former Law/Grad building)
MALS Grads Share Synthesis Projects

I went to this last year, and it was amazing.  It's the MALS equivalent of MFA thesis readings.  Graduates get a chunk of time to talk about their research and findings and read out loud a bit.  Come and listen to what they've been thinking about for years.  You won't regret it. 

The following students will be sharing the critical research and analysis from their synthesis projects:

  • Jason Maher You Are Here: Lessons from the Evacuation of British Children During World War II
  • Cynthia Rapacz From Resistance to Trust: Empowering the At-Risk Student through Sustainable Teaching
  • Gabrielle Rose Once and Future Rebels: A Lyric Inquiry into the Roles of Myth and Disobedience in the Human Endeavor Towards the Divine 

Other details: Free and open to the public.  Light refreshments will be available throughout the afternoon.  Please RSVP to

- your glsbrd

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Poetry Book Club Thursday April 28th

Thursday, April 28th
7:30-9 PM

The Hamline GLS Alumni Poetry Book Club’s April book is “Thistle” by Melissa Kwasny. We'll be meeting at Jean's and possibly taking advantage of the porch, if the weather cooperates. (I know; I'm a dreamer.) The porch would be a great place to sit while talking about this meditative work that deals with vegetation, humanity, and springtime.

Remember that Micawbers Books in St. Paul has a sale price for members of our club (another great reason to support your local bookstores).

Hamline GLS Alumni Poetry Book Club meets on the last Thursday of each month from 7:30-9 at Jean Larson's house. Read part, read all. Sit back or engage. Come monthly, come sometimes. Flexible and low key. (Unless someone decides to raise a ruckus.)

Email Jean at for more information and/or to get on the Book Club's Mailing list.

- your glsbrd

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Poetry Reading with JIM COPPOC and KRIS BIGALK Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 13
12:00pm - 1:00pm

"The Nest," located on WEST campus, lower level in the New Student Space
3300 Century Avenue North
White Bear Lake, MN

April is National Poetry Month, and Century College is going all out with a reading by Kris Bigalk and Jim Coppoc!

Kris Bigalk has recently published poetry in Water~Stone Review, The New York Quarterly, and the cream city review, and has work forthcoming in Mead: A Magazine of Literature and Libations. She serves as Director of Creative Writing at Normandale Community College, and curates the Banfill-Locke Reading Series.

Jim Coppoc ('09) is an award-winning poet and performer, a Lecturer in the English Department and the American Indian Studies program at Iowa State University, and the author of three books and three chapbooks of poetry (with a couple other genres mixed in).

For more details about these great poets, go to or

See you at the reading!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Come to our GLAAS-TIC Mini-Writing Retreat!


Line to Line: A GLAAS-TIC Mini-Writing Retreat in response to Tim Carroll

April 9th

Please join GLAAS and TIC at the Soap Factory as Tim Carroll performs-draws his new installation for the entire afternoon. We plan to be there dressed in our warmest clothes (the Soap Factory is not heated) and writing new stuff using Tim's artwork to inspire us (we may get him to talk to us, too, but he has to keep drawing at the same time).


We'll head to a room at Wilde Roast where we can recharge, revise, and read work to each other. It'll be a great way push the boundaries of our writing, build community, and hear each other's voices.

(There is no charge but we strongly suggest buying at least a cup of coffee at Wilde Roast.)

Please let us know you're coming by April 7th. See you there!