Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mark your calendars now: Donna Isaac invites you to two readings

You are invited two poetry readings by Donna Isaac.

Saturday, October 9th
Fresh Grounds
1362 W. Seventh
St. Paul
1:00 p.m.


Saturday, November 20th
Jerabek's New Bohemian
63 Winifred St.
St. Paul's West Side
1:00 p.m.

For more information, check out Donna's website at

(Do you have a reading you'd like to share about? Send it along, and GLaaS will be happy to spread the word!)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This just in for the poetry book club on September 30th!

We'll have a guest with us this month! Oliver St. John, an intern for, is writing about book clubs around town.  Mark your calendars and head to Micawber’s to pick up American Smooth by Rita Dove if you haven’t already!

See you Thursday, September 30th
on Jean's porch (if it's warm enough).

Have questions?  Need directions? Email us.

Have a great September!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Check out alumni blog: KunstKitchen

Name of your blog: KunstKitchen

Link to your blog:

What your blog is about: Sharing cooking, dining and eating Slow food, as opposed to fast food. Recipes and humorous antidotes for a post modern really fast world.

Your name (if you're not blogging anonymously): Catherine Katt

Years you were in the program (and year you graduated from Hamline): 2000-2006 ('06)

When you started blogging: June 2010

Why you blog: Blogging to make the connection between food as the source and art as the spiritual source.  Inspired by my niece who is a culinary writer. She likes what I write.

Who your intended audience is: Anyone interested in the Slow Food movement and real food.

What blogs you like to read: My friends' blogs.

Advice to or question for bloggers: "Just do it."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September and October Poetry Book Club

In September and October, we will be meeting the last Thursday of the month, so mark your calendars for

Thursday, September 30: Rita Dove's American Smooth
Thursday, October 28: Stanley Plumly's Old Heart
7:30 to 9:00 pm
at Jean's

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to let us know, and we'll get you in touch with Jean.  See you there.